Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bay Minette Basin Pt.3:The Fish Are Everywhere, But In My Boat!

Today is the first day that I felt like I couldn't escape, and I couldn't because today I wasn't trying to escape from the world, I was trying to escape from my mind.  It's funny how our minds can hinder us sometimes, play tricks on us and even bring us to the point of no return.  No matter what I go through in life I will never let Mother Nature be ruined, by me or anyone else.  Thank you earth for not caring about me or my problems and still being yourself, even when I am not.

Paul and I would head back to Bay Minette Basin and try our luck at some of those fish I talked about in my earlier posts.  We both woke up very early, but it was just a slow moving day and I never really felt as if I was awake.  After getting license, food, and everything else we needed it was almost noon.  When we pulled up to Buzbee's Landing to my surprise there wasn't a soul there.  I got worried when Mr. Buzbee didn't meet me half way as he normally does, but come to find out he was just napping.  I guess after a certain time if no one is coming, no one is coming.  Glad I went today, know it wasn't much but I am sure every penny helps.  I always give him a five dollar bill and tell him to keep the change, he seems to really appreciate.  I honestly just like to see the man smile.

It was a very hot day and the water was really rough.  Didn't really expect to catch anything, but it never hurts to try.  I've always heard you will never catch fish in the middle of the day and especially if the wind was blowing, but with the effort it took to get there we definitely were going to give it a try.  I decided we would use the dock demons, which is a very small pole that zebco makes and any fish you catch feels like a monster.  They are really fun and I recommend them for any tight spots or just a travel pole in general.  We started off with crickets and nothing was happening, I switched to a marabou jig and within the first few casts I had a fish.  I think we will call it luck, because though I had a few nibbles here and there it was the only fish caught between Paul and I.  It was definitely a first for me, I have been fishing off and on a lot of my life and never once have a caught anything without live bait, at least now I know it is possible.

I could tell Paul wasn't going to give up easily, which is understandable but I was about ready to go home after an hour or so because of a headache that I couldn't shake all day.  We also learned that an anchor would probably be the next thing to invest in if we were going to continue to fish out of the canoe.  On the way back we were fighting wind gust up to twelve miles an hour and I am not a fan of that.  It has been the only thing so far in canoeing that I do not enjoy and that is trying to fight something you can't really win at, but if  you stop paddling within minutes and sometimes seconds you would end up in five minutes what took thirty to get to.  Needless to say on the way back, trying to dodge the wind, we would discover a new part of the basin that neither one of us had seen.  Paul said it was the prettiest part that he has seen so far, I think it is all pretty.  Maybe I was just happy because I won the unspoken competition of "who caught more fish". 

We spent four and half hours on the water today and only covered 3.8 miles.  It was very displeasing to see the fish everywhere but in the boat.  We would reel in from one side and cast to the other just to see fish on the opposite side and vice versa.  I always find great joy in seeing the fish fly through the air, but not today.  Overall it was a fun trip, saw a few gators and a great blue heron as well.  There is just something about that basin that draws me to it, except the wind.

In times of need or doubt turn to this great land that we have, while we still have it.  Look to the earth for the answers that you need.  Mother Nature will smile upon you just as much as it will kill you.  Respect her and she will respect you.  We are but guest here.  It is amazing that we can go out and find food in it, a know one fish isn't a feast, but it is enough to make me happy and realize that everything I need, I am surrounded by.  Until next time.

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